Silverton Street Market Stall Booking System

We use an online system for booking stalls for the Silverton Street Market. The majority of stalls are 3m in width, but there are some 2m wide stalls and some 4m wide stalls. Stalls should be no more than 3m deep to give room for pedestrians. There are some 2m deep stalls within narrow parts of Fore Street North which have been colour coded green to make them stand out.

Please note that we only allow stalls selling products and services along Fore Street, not those serving food (precooked food such as jars, breads, preserved meats, etc. are very welcome, as are those selling sealed drinks). If you're interested in serving hot or cold food and/or drinks please contact us separately.

The process of booking a stall is simple:

  1. Pick an area of the Street Market from the list below.
  2. Check the map, and select the stall number you wish to book.
  3. See if it is available in the list below the map, if so add it to your basket and proceed to the checkout.
  4. If the stall has already been purchased, proceed back to step 1 and 2.

Prices for stalls are as follows:

  • Fore Street South are £16 per metre
  • Fore Street North are £14 per metre
  • Fore Street North (2m deep stalls) are £12 per metre.

Note that stalls run continuously along the main street of the village, Fore Street, from the heart of the village known as the Square all the way to the Lamb Inn. For convenience sake, we have split these into two pages: Fore Street South and Fore Street North (the numbering between north and south is not sequential).

We offer a 25% discount for charities within Fore Street North, and a 50% discount for residents of Fore Street itself. Please contact us for more details.

We are using PayPal to process transactions, though you will not need a PayPal account to make a purchase. Any problems please contact us.