Previous Street Markets (since 1991!)
Silverton Street Market has now been going for getting on for 25 years. People can remember specific years for various reasons but because of the very nature of committees and the lack of Central Storage we do not have an archive as such. This then will be an ongoing project as people raid their photo albums, etc. If you have any old memorabilia such as news clippings, photos, committee minutes please get in touch.
Year | Theme | Year | Theme |
1991 | Hats | 2008 | Heroes and Villains |
1992 | 2009 | Carnival | |
1993 | Tropical | 2010 | Musicals |
1994 | (we can’t remember!) | 2011 | ‘Tis Devon, Glorious Devon |
1995 | The Caribbean | 2012 | Silly Olympics |
1996 | The Wild West | 2013 | Myths and Legends of Silvertonshire |
1997 | Summer of Love and The Swinging Sixties | 2014 | Space |
1998 | Space | 2015 | Circus |
1999 | Mardi Gras | 2016 | Silverton Jubilee |
2000 | Circus | 2017 | Silverton Rocks! |
2001 | (cancelled due to Foot and Mouth) | 2018 | Wild South West |
2002 | Costa del Silvaton (Spanish Silverton) | 2019 | Beach Party |
2003 | Films and Movies | 2020 | (cancelled due to Covid-19) |
2004 | Medieval | 2021 | (cancelled due to Covid-19) |
2005 | 1940’s theme | 2022 | Roaring 20s |
2006 | Egyptian theme | 2023 | (cancelled due to weather) |
2007 | Silverton-on-Sea | 2024 | Sport |
On a sunny June afternoon, myself (Sonia) and my friend Janine, set off to Bickleigh Street Market with our children. We had such a great time there and returning to Silverton we stopped at the Silverton Inn for a drink and got talking to the regulars. Janine and I got our thinking caps on and thought: we can also do what Bickleigh have achieved.
So we printed out 800 leaflets and hand-billed the whole of Silverton village proposing a meeting in the Silverton Inn. Out of 800 houses, 25 people came to the meeting! 8 of us then formed a committee. being:-
Sonia Hill (Joint-Chairperson), my children still talk about the trailer rides, those signs still haunt us! But it was all worth it as the Street Market is still going today, what a team!
Janine Jackson-Bruce (Joint-Chairperson) brilliant friend, and “barbecue queen” and so much tenderness.
Carrie Martin, Cubs and Scouts Lady so dedicated. It being Carries birthday on the first Street Market, what fun we had!
Pam Parson our Ice-cream Lady and so so so much more and sadly missed,
Eric Gray, he was so brilliant, got us loads of stalls and supplied us with electric, tea and coffee. We could not have done it without him. Where are you now? I’m sure I still see you in the village?
Jane Serrell, our Secretary-Treasurer. What more can I say?
Peter and Celia Gristwood came to the meeting. Because they were new to the village, they did not know what had hit them, but what hard work they did for us and such good friends we all became. Peter marked out the road for the stalls and their list of chores was endless. Celia kept us all calm and made us tick off all the endless list of what to do. What a god-send Celia was what a tonic thanks Celia.
It was all such fun. Long many it continue.
From Sonia and the first Street Market Team
1991 The theme was Hats. This was the first Street Market. To read Sonia Hills description of how it all began Click here. There are some press cuttings and some photos taken during the day Link to main album of photos and other scans here
1992 Still not sure what the theme was but thanks to Gill & the late Ron Bamforth, here are some photos.
1993 The theme has been revealed as Tropical. Heres a poster by Nick Beck. Link to main album of photos (including somebody in a GORILLA suit!), again from Gill & Ron
1994 Perhaps the early 90s was like the sixties. If you were there you dont remember it! The fact of the matter is: we need photos etc.
1995 The theme in 1995 was Caribbean. Again thanks to Gill & Ron, we now have a few photos of the market and also of the French band playing on the Eurothrash stage outside the community hall. This was not strictly Street Market but our then twinned village, Plogastel St. Germain, had come over for the market, made crepes and entertained us with music. On the Sunday after, the stage from the previous evenings event was still in place, so we held a Twinning Supper with music.
Link to main album of photos and other scans here

1996 Organisation for the market was handled for 96 and 97 by the combined committees of the PTA and the Youth Club. In 1996 the theme was The Wild West and there were helpful contributions from Silvertons in Texas and Colorado.
1996 was the first year Exe Valley Brewery brewed a special beer for Street Market. Known as Big Chiefs Falling Down Water, this was the beginning of a tradition that continues to this day.
A young Ross Andrew designed the basic logo that featured on all publicity material.
Big Chief White Eagle and his Tribe of Nations set up his Teepee on the Little Rec. There are various photos of the day here. Press the forward and backward arrows to move on the Picasa page.
The evening event was mooted at one time to be The Sweets 25th anniversary gig; the then lead singer of Andy Scotts Sweet being resident in the village. This wasnt to be, however, but Silverstock 96 with Red Hot and the Sun Spots was a success Poster here.

1997 This was Silvertons Summer of Love and The Swinging Sixties and the village partied in big style! A planning application was actually made to Mid Devon DC in the name of a fictitious Indonesia based company called JALDIDY. Just a liitle dab will do ya was the catchphrase for Brylcream and JALDIDYs Dr Cal Melberry had found vast deposits of Brylcream in the strata to the north of the village. This was to be used to power Silvertons entry into the Space Race and transported using a rather large tanker down the main street which was to be flooded to become a canal. Quite a lot of this nonsense was based around anagrams and re-ordered versions of SILVERTON STREET MARKET were used as a publicity tool. (List of anagrams here) Dr Cal himself, as well as being an anagram of Brylcream, bore a striking resemblance to a former treasurer of the village schools PTA.
Exe Valley Brewerys beer in this year was called Draft Dodgers in fitting tribute to the young Americans whod had the good sense to help shorten the Vietnam War. Some nice pics including this one of the late Richard Jones here and onwards thanks to Gill & the late Ron Bamforth.
Rag Committees had been a big part in the student movement and Silverton Produced its own Rag Mag in that year containing all sorts! Scans here and click on the right arrow on the Google Photos page to move through the Rag Mag.
August 2nd 1997 ended with a fitting tribute to the Summer of Love with a party in the Community Hall car park called Lovestock 97 (click on the right arrow on the Google Photos page to move through). Two lorry trailers were parked side by side to make a stage and various bands performed including Exeters Dirty Money and The Bastardos Bros. Dave Parsons of that band played a Hendrix inspired version of God Save The Queen. Remember Star Spangled Banner?
Link to main album of photos and other scans here
1998 was the year of Space. Thanks to Gill & the late Ron, we now have a few photos of the market here. We could still do with a lot more info. Photos and other memorabilia please.
1999 The theme in the last year of the 20th century was Mardi Gras. The kids from Silverton School made some really lovely heads to decorate the street. These, at the last count, are still in the Community Hall. A few photos here but more needed. Please!
Link to main album of photos and other scans here
2000 There are a good few photos for this years Circus theme. Link to main album of photos and other scans here
2001 was a sad year for our rural communities due to Foot and Mouth. Who can forget the funeral pyre images? Because of the restrictions the decision was taken to severely reduce the size of the market and hold a Silverton Alternative Market in the Big Rec. We still made sure we had fun even though it rained quite a lot! Photos and other memorabilia please!

2002 A forgotten era in Silvertons past came to light in 2002. A professor at the Universidad de Málaga, Manuel de Nuevacorte , had contacted Silvertonians with a claim that the pretty Mid-Devon village has historical ties with his country dating back to the reign of our Elizabeth 1st. His ancestors ship had been part of the Armada and they had been shipwrecked off Exmouth. Could the full story be true? Make up your own mind! Childrens version or the true version!
The Spanish theme for 2002 knew few bounds with streets, etc. being re-named Lots of posters etc. here, here, here, and here,. Highlights of the day included a worrying display of trick-cycling and Flamenco dancing.
The Evening Event, Fiesta De La Noche, unfortunately saw the Street Market Committee cross swords with the Parish Council resulting in a well subscribed petition. With the benefit of hindsight this was probably due to a misunderstanding but we eventually got our licence. A London soul band, Sentivo, had been booked to play but ended up arriving an hour late due to turning right at Bristol rather than left! Great band though and Jamie and helpers put on a great show.
Link to main album of photos and other scans here

2003 The Movies was the theme for 2003 and Silverton buzzed with characters from all the various films. Elvis of course starred in many and he made a guest appearance.
Exe Valleys beer was Lord of the Beers. Rejected versions here and here. Tug o War , general market photos, scans of the programme, posters and newspaper are in the main album.
In the evening Honest Johns Big Band played in the Millennium Hall.
Link to main album of photos and other scans here

2004 Medieval was the order of the day in 2004 with knights in armour, jesters and ladies of the court as well as various locals being sponsored to have water bombs thrown at them in the stocks.
Various press cuttings, etc. are in the album together with photos.
There was also a fire safety fear in October of that year. Old thatched cottages and fire not being compatible.
Link to main album of photos and other scans here.
2005 The theme for 2005 was the 1940s and especially 1945. We could do with some more for this year please. Email if you have anything
Link to main album of photos and other scans here

2006 Mummies and pyramids brought 2006s Egyptian theme to life.
The committee upset the Highways Dept. by placing a large white pyramid on the grass verge in Rewe.
Photos of the day here including press cuttings, etc.
Link to main album of photos and other scans here

2007 saw Silverton as an Island Paradise with the theme being Silverton-On-Sea. There was even a beach!
We could do with some photos for this year please. Email if you have anything
Link to main album of photos and other scans here
2008 There are lots of photos for 2008 with its Heroes and Villains theme and the fancy dress parade was spectacular.

See the photos here. Tug o War here and onwards. some press cuttings here
Link to main album of photos and other scans here.
2009 Carnival was the theme for 2009 and again the fancy dress standard was excellent.

2015 was the year of Circus and The Silverton Luvvies, especially took the theme very seriously with ringmasters and clowns (1) clowns (2) popping up wherever you looked! Dan the Hat and Magic Kev kept children of all ages entertained in the Little Rec while the Somerset Paddies and The Crediton Town Band entertained outside The Lamb and on the Old Hall Site respectively. Exe Valley Brewerys beer Big Top was available in the pubs and from their Pop-up Pub on the Little Rec. and the Bar-B-Q did a sterling job of feeding the 5000. Link to 2015 General photos here
As ever there was a great selection of stalls. Link to Stall Photos here.
A new addition to the entertainment which was great fun was the Wacky Races which The Luvvies put on as a predule to the ever popular Tug-of-War.
2017 was our music year, Silverton Rocks! We had some great musical performances, singers, bands and buskers joining our packed programme of fun and entertainment.
2018 was Wild South West.
2019 was Beach Party.
2020 and 2021 were both cancelled due to Covid-19
2022 was Roaring 20s.
2023 was cancelled due to weather (we had an amber “danger to life” weather warning for the very day that Street Market was supposed to take place).
2024 was Sport.