Who supports us and who we support (past and present)
The Silverton Street Market is a delegated group of Silverton.Org (Devon), a Community Interest Company (CIC) registered with Companies House in the UK (Company number 08745250). The directors of that company are ultimately responsible for the management of the organisation.
Each year local groups are invited to apply to become beneficiaries of any funds raised through the Street Market. Applications are welcome from any local group based in Silverton that is for the benefit of Silverton residents. Groups who are successful in their application then join the committee to help organise the event and also provide volunteers on the day.
Friends of Silverton School (FOSS)
FOSS is a thriving group and all parents of children at the school are automatically members. We are always pleased to see new faces and hear new ideas. It is run by a committee and we organise fun social and fund-raising events throughout the year, hoping to encourage closer links between home and school which really benefits the children.
The Street Market represents a large chunk of our annual fundraising income which allows us to buy the school the extra things that help along our childrens’ developing minds. Recent purchases include iPads, Books, items for gardening club, Lego WEDO sets for computer programming and most recently the new outdoor classroom.

Room 4 U is open from 10.30am to 3.30pm on Fridays to support people who are lonely, or disabled and carers who need respite from their caring role.
This is a free service in a warm and safe environment, where activities and a light lunch can be enjoyed with volunteers help. We look forward to meeting you.
Silverton Community Hall
The Millennium Hall has many uses, it is equipped for badminton, short mat bowls etc. and is also used as a venue for parties for both young and old. Various items such as a PA system & 5 a-side equipment are available to use. The hall is also used as a polling station and for flu jabs. The monthly mini market, held on the 1st Saturday of each month, where there are varied stalls, plus cooked breakfasts, is also held here. The Luvvies, our local drama group produce a production every February which is enjoyed by many local people.
There is also a small hall known as the Dorothy Granger Room (or the DG room) which is used for small gatherings or meetings. The well equipped kitchen serves either hall.
The funding from the Street Market helps the hall to keep the rent as low as possible and enables the Trustees to keep improving facilities. (See website)
Silverton Evangelical Church 
We are a growing community of people from all ages and walks of life, who meet together each week to learn more about Jesus and encourage one another in our relationship with him. We also meet in people’s homes during the week and we often eat together too. We love welcoming new people, especially those with questions about the Christian faith. We meet each Sunday at 10:30am. You would be most welcome to join us!
The building is heavily used by the local community. We run a monthly Messy Church for families with young children, a weekly baby group for new Mums followed by a busy toddler group and a monthly “Pop up Café on the last Tuesday in the month.. Fortnightly on Friday evenings we welcome over 30 youngsters to our youth clubs. This proved so popular that in 2023 we employed a worker for children and young people two days a week. This is in addition to other special events which we host including our annual Community Day which includes a BBQ and bouncy castle. All of this places a strain on our building which we continue to refurbish to meet current community needs. We are grateful for any contribution towards the upkeep and maintenance of the building and garden play area.
If you would like to know more about SEC, please see our website www.silvertonevangelicalchurch.org.uk or follow us on Facebook.
Thank you for the great work and support of the Street Market.
Silverton Luvvies

The Silverton Luvvies are very proud to be a part of Silverton Street Market. Each year we use our portion of the Street Market profits to support our dramatic performances, such as buying lights, staging and costumes.
We are always looking for new members of cast, crew, costume, set, lighting, sound, music, front of house and design.
Silverton Methodist Church

Silverton Methodist Church has been involved in this fund raising ‘from the beginning’. SMC continues to play its part in the life of the village – as has happened, according to records in fact, since its foundation 101 years ago!
As over the years, refreshments available; many thanks to all village suppliers who kindly still deliver to the Church Hall. Superb!
Silverton Twinning Association
The Twinning Association is an inclusive organisation whose main purpose is to promote friendship between our twinned village of St Thegonnec and the people of Silverton and surrounding hamlets. St Thegonnec is a small town in Brittany with a population of approx. 2500. It is situated near the lovely city of Morlaix and just a half-hour drive from Roscoff. It is within easy access of many places of interest both along the coast and in land.
Our Twinning trips are a great way to find out more about living in France, the customs and the lives of people in Brittany and to learn what we have in common. It’s not like being a tourist but more like being part of their community. Children and people of all ages and interests are made very welcome and it is a good way to practice speaking French with lasting friendships being made. We last visited them in 2018 and they came visited us in 2019 when they attended the Street Market. We are hoping to be able to visit again this year, and receive them back in 2024.
Silverton Youth Football
Silverton Youth Football started in Dec 2023 and by June 2024 had expanded rapidly to a group of over 50 players and 10 club officials.
The club provides football coaching with an emphasis on participation, equality & enjoyment. The children range from 6 to 12 and are allocated into 5 different age teams.
We play our home matches at Silverton Recreation park and are developing the grounds as we grow. Equipment is regularly updated and replaced so the Street Market will provide much needed funds to keep the teams going.
The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Silverton
This Grade I listed building dates back to the 15th century and its welcoming atmosphere reflects centuries of prayer and worship by countless generations. As the Parish Church it is used by all ages, providing Sunday and weekday worship, school services, weddings and funerals. Visit website.
It is a great asset to the whole community and many of the residents acknowledge it to be theirs in the widest sense of ownership. However, like all old buildings, it needs costly and regular maintenance so any money granted will be used for its continual upkeep so that generations to come will be able to enjoy this wonderful historic building.